Monday, January 19, 2015

World Handball Championship: Sunday results and Today's game

World Handball Championship:

Group C:

Iceland – Algeria 32-24 (12-13)

Game didn’t start good for Iceland, after first 7’ score was 6-0 for Algeria. Algeria was leading during whole first half, in attack they had quick solutions who are backed up with some big mistakes by Iceland defense and in defense they had Abdelmalek Slahdji on the goal. In second half Iceland enter as different team, they quickly take the lead 15-13 and after that their lead only grow. As the game progress Algeria players start to be more tired and  start making a lot more mistakes, Iceland used them all for final score 32-24

Czech Republic – Sweden 22-36(10-19)

In our day preview we talked about how Czech need to find a way to replay their play from second half against France, well they didn’t. Everything was over in first half, Sweden quickly get on +4 (14-20) and until the half time they had big +9 goals. In second half Czech start little better and score 4 quick goals, but then Sweden players soon increase their lead and in 48’ it was +12 (30-18) for Sweden.

Egypt – France 24-28 (11-14)

in a though hard game France manage to get their second win in World Handball Championship. In first half both of teams played hard defense. Egypt played really good and in 15’ they had 2 goals lead (8-6). But Nikola Karabatic quick scored two goals and equals the score. Until the end of first half France manage to get some breathing space and putt those 3 goals ahead. In second half France was controlling the game and what was more important for them William Accambray wakes up. Accambray didn’t score any goals in first half, but in second he score five goals and with Nikola Karabatic was dragging France toward the victory.

Group D:

Argentina – Poland 23-24(12-11)

Argentina show us that their draw against Denmark in first half was not just coincidence. Poland enters better in this game especial Michal Daszek and Michal Jurecki. Key moment of first half happened in 17’ when Argentina starts playing 3-3 defense, at that point they were 2 goals behind. Until the halftimes they manage to turn the score and get into the lead. Final score of first half was 12-11 for Argentina. In 40’ Argentina had +2 but experienced Poland team start playing defense and in 45’ it was already 18-17 for Poland. In the last ten minutes Poland enters with +3 and secures their first win in World Handball Championship.

Germany – Russia 27-26 (9-13)

In the derby game of second round Germany find a way to turn the halftime score and get them a second win. First half start better for Russia team, they took the lead 5-3 but Germany soon equalizes to 6-6. Until the halftime Russia once more move them ahead of Germany and first half end in +4 for Russia. Germany enters the second half much better and in 34’ they manage to equal the score (14-14), in 41’ they get first lead in the game 19-17. Russia quickly replays but in 45’ Germany manages to get second lead (21-19) and they manage to keep that lead until the end. Russia had the last attack for draw, but they make unforced error and give Germany two points.

Saudi Arabia – Denmark 18-38 (6-20)

Denmark didn’t allow any more surprise, Saudi Arabia manage to play with Denmark for only first several minutes. After that Denmark is scoring 11 goals and moves them on 12 goals difference. Until the half time goal difference extend on +14. Second half was similar to first more experience Denmark team was playing more than enough to secure them first win in World Handball Championship.

Today’s Fixtures: 
Group A:
19/01/2015 16:00 GM – Spain vs. Chile
Spain had a lot of problem against Brazil in last round, but we doubt they will have against weakest team in this group

19/01/2015 16:00 GM – Belarus vs. Brazil

this could be easily the battle for fourth place in this group. Both of these teams have two losses in this Championship. So this game could easily decide who will be four and go into the next round and who will go home.

19/01/2015 16:00 GM – Slovenia vs. Qatar

This will be a first real test for Qatar national team, they have two wins but they manage to get them against Chile and Brazil, teams that are not so strong in handball terms. Slovenia didn’t impress us in first two games, but they show good performances. We expect this to be a good game, but Slovenia is in slight favor to win this game.

Group B:
19/01/2015 16:00 GM – Bosnia and Herzegovina vs. Macedonia

When two Balkans teams play that is always a good game. Bosnia and Herzegovina lost in their second round against Austria, but they more give that win then Austria beat them. If they want to at least try to get to third place (or second) then they have to win this game. Macedonia manages to get two wins from first two rounds. They had a lot of problems in their last game against Iran it remains to see will Bosnia and Herzegovina find a way to exploit those weaknesses.

19/01/2015 16:00 GM – Croatia vs. Iran

Croatia is at two wins, two hard wins many will say. They don’t play brilliant in this World Handball Championship but they are winning and that is important. It is hard to believe that Iran player can do anything to Croatian team but with such a big oscillation in Croatian play they can give them another hard game.

19/01/2015 18:00 GM – Austria vs. Tunisia

Tunisia needs to start play if they want to reach second phase of World Handball Championship, they are at two losses while Austria is at 50% (1 win; 1 loss). If Tunisia lost this game they might be out from this Championship. For Austria it’s simple beat Tunisia and kicks them out from Championship.

World Handball Championship Fixtures, Standings & Results.


World Handball Championship: Sunday results and Today's game

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