Thursday, January 29, 2015

WHC Quarterfinals: Qatar kicked out Germany, last second win for Spain over Denmark

World Handball Championship – Quarterfinals:

Croatia – Poland 22 – 24 (10-12)

Finally Poland manage to beat Croatia, except two times in the game Poland was leading during the whole game. Croatia open the game better and in 13’ they had two goals led (4-2) but until 16’ Poland already take the lead. Poland make two goals lead in 19’ and until the halftime they keep that lead. Croatia better open the second half with 4 goals by Duvnjak and one from Kopljar and Horvat. In 40’ Croatia had three goals lead at that point Poland was nowhere to been seen. But similar to their game against Brazil, Croatia struggle in attack and except individual qualities they didn’t have any team tactic for Poland strong 6-0 defense. Poland manage to catch Croatia in 50’ and score was 18-18. Poland secure win in last 5 minutes, when they scored 3 goals and didn’t allow Croatia to score even once.

Qatar – Germany 26-24 (18-14)

Qatar dream is still alive, they manage to kick out Germany and will be fighting for the medal. Except for the start lead we didn’t see anything from German side, Qatar took the lead in 10’ and in 13’ they already got three goals difference (6-3). Until the halftime they extend their goal lead. Qatar had the biggest lead in 26’ when the score was 1 6-9 for them, but until the halftime Germany manage to reduce that goal difference. In second half Germany enter better and in 39’ they were close to getting a draw, but Markovic and Capote manage to move Qatar back on three goals difference. Until the end game was mostly played goal by goal.

France – Slovenia 32-23 (18-10)

When France didn’t play good in group stage we talk about how we will see the best France in the knockout stage, well we are in the knockout stage and we are seeing different France. Slovenia took the lead 1-0 and in next thirteen minutes they couldn’t score a goal, while France score 7. After that “black hole” Slovenia couldn’t come back into the game anymore and France was slowly extending their lead, at one point they even have 9 goals difference. Second half was formality for France team, they start in “second gear” and keep the goal difference. Slovenia never had a chance to catch France completely on scoring board, closest they come was on -4 in 49’. But in only three minutes France quickly scored 4 goals and get back on eight goals lead.

Denmark – Spain 25-24 (11-11)

in a hard and good game Spain manage to beat Denmark with goal in last seconds of the game. Denmark has the slight lead during the most part of the first half they took the early lead and after that is was mostly goal by goal. Second half was similar to first, Denmark has the slight lead but Spain was always somewhere near them. First significant lead Spain took in 46’ when they had two goals lead 20-18. Denmark quickly come back and in 55’ Lindberg score for Denmark lead 23-22. In last five minutes we watch a real thriller. After the Denmark lead Entrerrios scored the equalizer in next Spain attack. Hansen shot in 58:14 was saved by Perez de Vargas and Rivera scored for Spain lead in 59:10. Quick after that in 59:36 Larsen scored for another draw 24-24 and Spain had the opportunity for last attack. Literary in last seconds of the game Canellas scored with good 9m shot for Spain win 25-24.


WHC Quarterfinals: Qatar kicked out Germany, last second win for Spain over Denmark

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