Friday, January 30, 2015

WHC News: Qatar players richer for 1 million dollars

World Handball Championship – News:

World Handball Championship is slowly going toward its end, today on schedule are semifinals game between Poland versus Qatar and Spain versus France.

But the biggest story today is reward for Qatar players for entering semifinals and finals. Qatar spent around 230 billion dollars on organization of this Championship. Before it starts it was a lot of talk regarding Qatar national team, since neither one of their players is born in Qatar.

Qatar wanted to show them in a good light and since money is not a problem for them they “import” players to play for their national team. They even import fans from Spain to support their national team in this Championship.

For entering semifinals each Qatar player would get 1 million dollars, luxury Maserati and apartment on “The Pearl”. Pearl is artificial island made near Doha coastline.

Qatar surprise everyone on this Championship, they manage to take second place in Group A with only one loss against Spain (25-28). In eight-finals they beat Austria 29-27 and in battle for semifinals they were better than Germany 26-24. Today at 15:30 GMT they will face Poland in the battle for the finals.

Qatar played 7 games on this Championship and they are at 57% attack efficiency (192/339), most goals they scored from 6m shots and from 9m shots 60. Their first goalkeeper Danijel Saric is currently fifth goalkeeper of this Championship, he is at 36% saves (49/137), their second goalkeeper Goran Stojanovic is currently holding fourth place in most saved penalty shots table with 41% (7/17).

Qatar best scorer is Zarko Markovic who is at 53.92% (55/102) shot efficiency; with 55 goals he is second on goal scorer list only one goal behind the leader Slovenian Dragan Gajic. Rafael Capote is Qatar second best scorer with 58.06% (36/62) shot efficiency or 36 goals from 7 games.

Qatar is proof that with money you can buy everything, maybe even World Championship gold. Qatar is doing the same thing with their national soccer team for the upcoming FIFA World Cup in 2022.



WHC News: Qatar players richer for 1 million dollars

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