Friday, January 23, 2015

Barcalays Premier League: Arsene Wenger - The Silent Hunter

Premier League News:

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger came under severe criticism following the worst start to a season for his team in the Premier League in over 2 decades. The Arsenal faithful were extremely frustrated at the manager and wanted him gone, citing his failure to win trophies as the reason. The most experienced manager in the game was ridiculed for his lack of tactical prowess and his inability to formulate title winning teams.

The dismal start to the season brought fans up against the manager. He was booed, criticized and vehemently disregarded all over by Arsenal fans, but the board kept their faith in their longest serving coach and opted to stick with the experienced Frenchman.

Arsenal slowly regained their form and have been piling up crucial wins in the recent months. Their form has certainly improved and they have amassed some very important points despite not playing the best of football. And last week’s 2-0 win away at Manchester City was the perfect result for the manager who now sees his reputation reformed and his team close in to the coveted fourth spot in the Premier League table.

Arsenal are now just one point adrift of 4th placed Manchester United and with the recent form of the Gunners of late, they will certainly pose some pressure on the Red Devils. Arsene Wenger has marshalled his troops remarkably after a disappointing start and with good results, now sees pressure relieved of his shoulder.

The fans have started to trust the manager again and have cooled down, especially after an amazing away win at the Etihad Stadium, a feat no one would have imagined to be possible. Arsenal certainly have a long way to go in the season but consistency now can certainly prove to be extremely fruitful and see Arsenal among the top four again.


Photo by Ronnie Macdonald

Barcalays Premier League: Arsene Wenger - The Silent Hunter

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