Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pakistan Cricket: Mohammad Amir to return to Domestic Cricket!

Cricket News:

When all is going against Team Pakistan in terms of untimely injuries and suspension to key players, finally a good news has emerged for the Green Shirts from the ICC Camp. After being suspended for five long years due to match fixing allegations, ban on Mohammad Amir has been lifted by the International Cricket Council with immediate effect.

It was September 2010 when this growing superstar of Pakistan Cricket was caught red handed during the England Tour. Along with two other players including Salman Butt and Mohammad Asif, a 17 year old Amir was involved in Spot Fixing allegations. In a sting operation carried by News of the World (News Paper), these three players agreed to bowl some no balls and do some acts for a hefty money. Headed by local journalist Mazhar Majeed, Amir fell a victim to this spot fixing scandal. However, Mazhar Majeed, reporter who carried all this operation filmed all these scenes with the trio and later on, aired it on live TV.

So a ban was imminent and ICC acted accordingly. All these players were handed a straight ban, 5 years each to be more precise. Later on, these players also served some time in jail due to spoiling the rules of the game. However, after years of hardship and facing intense criticism from all sides, it seems that Mohammad Amir has now finally emerged from the doom days.

In a meeting conducted by ICC, it was decided that Mohammad Amir can now take part in Domestic Cricket. Before this meeting, Amir was banned until September this year. However, now under the light of this announcement, Amir can now take part in the domestic cricket of Pakistan.

Amir, who took 25 wickets in just 15 ODIs while playing for Pakistan was extremely jubilant after hearing this news. Speaking to a press conference, he said.

‘’It’s a new life for me and you will see not only Mohammad Amir as a better cricketer but also a better human being’’.


Pakistan Cricket: Mohammad Amir to return to Domestic Cricket!

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