Monday, March 16, 2015

Jose Mourinho interview show, special one with special answers to reporters

Soccer News:

Chelsea is on a good way toward new Premier League title, only nine rounds before the end Chelsea got 6 points difference and one game less than 2nd Manchester City. If they manage stay on first place and win the title this will be their first title since season 2009/2010. This weekend Chelsea got a chance to extend their lead since Manchester City surprisingly lost against Burnley 1-0. But they played “Chelsea” game and only manage to get a draw against Southampton 1-1.

But probably the “main star” of this Chelsea is their boss Jose Mourinho, we already said about his actions that with various statements he move the spotlights from this team toward himself. With that he gives the team peace and quiet that they need. After disappointing draw against Paris Saint-Germain in UEFA Champions League England journalist wanted to know what Jose Mourinho think about that game, because various media and fans critics Chelsea players and play style in that game. And “Special One” gave them special answer: “That is wrong. People are obsessed with Jose Mourinho and they shouldn’t be. They don’t know what happiness is. My happiness comes in comparison with other coaches and if you look at that comparison then only small part of coaches is on the same level as I am. What about the rest? I can see really big difference between myself and them. I respect all my colleagues, but which one of them wins England Premiership? Only Louis van Gaal and myself! How many active coaches won England Premiership more than two times? Only Arsen Wenger and me! How many managers won all the competitions in this country? Look in Europe, how many managers have won 7 league titles? How many of them win UEFA Champions League two times? Ancelotti has three and van Gaal and Guardiola got two.” For the end of his interview Mourinho didn’t leave a chance to say something about the reporters: “I am special because I am above all that. But you really think that I care about your shitty articles that you wrote? You really think about that!? I don’t care about them!”

Jose Mourinho excellent and trophy coach who always said what was on his mind. Because of that he now got a nice collection of punishments from soccer federations.

Soccer News:

Jose Mourinho interview show, special one with special answers to reporters

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