Monday, March 30, 2015

Zinedine Zidane: I am not afraid to take the Real Madrid bench if they offer a job to me

Soccer News:

After recent poor performance from Real Madrid, some newspapers already start writing that Carlo Ancelotti will get fired at the end of season. Off course that will happen if he fails to win Primera or UEFA Champions League.

One as a pretender for Real Madrid bench is their ex player Zinedine Zidane. Zidane told in his latest interview that if he receive a  job offer from Florentino Perez (Real Madrid president) he will gladly take it. Zidane is currently coaching Real Madrid Castilla or reserve team from Real Madrid.

Zidane said that if the job of Real coach is free and he got the offer he would certainly agree. But he also said that Real Madrid has a coach that is doing excellent job and he (Zidane) is still in process of learning how to become better coach. When newspapers asked him is he ready for a job as Real Madrid coach he said:

“Am I ready for the job? You are never ready, and even if you are not you still say yes! As a player, I didn’t forge my career in two years. Things happen gradually. In coaching, it will be the same.”

Zidane didn’t forget to mention that he learned a lot from Carlo and he thinks that Carlo is excellent coach for Real Madrid no matter what people say. Zidane is still waiting for his first team contract, after he went to soccer retirement in 2006 he was assistant first for Jose Mourinho in Real Madrid and then last year for Carlo Ancelotti in Real Madrid. Zidane thinks that Mourinho and Ancelotti are two different coaches, while Ancelotti is more calm and patient Mourinho never give up and he is harsh but fair.

For the end journalist ask him what the big difference between being a player is and being a coach, Zidane said that ego is the big difference. As a player you don’t need to think about the ego of other players, but as a coach you need to think about it all. Sometimes you have to hard and sometimes you need to leave player alone said Zidane for the end.


Photo by Walterlan Papetti

Zinedine Zidane: I am not afraid to take the Real Madrid bench if they offer a job to me

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