Friday, March 20, 2015

Andy Murray looking forward to his wedding

Tennis Updates:

It is going to be a big year for Andy Murray – and not only because he is looking to add to his two Grand Slam titles. The 27-year-old Scot, will marry his girlfriend Kim Sears in April.

Here is what he said in front of the Medias as they asked him questions mostly about his to-come marriage.

“It is three weeks on Saturday – that’s all I know. Tennis players aren’t normally very good with dates.

“We just know it is the Indian Wells week or the Monte Carlo week or whatever. So I know it is the weekend before Monte Carlo and the weekend after Miami.

“We will probably do the honeymoon later in the year, probably in the off-season. I am not sure where we’re going to go yet, but there are a few ideas.

“I am actually not nervous about getting married because we’ve been together like nine-and-a-half years and we’ve lived together for six or seven years as well.

“So I don’t think a whole lot’s going to change. I kind of feel like we have been married already in terms of the way we spend our lives together and live together.

“I think I will be more nervous about starting a family because I feel like, for me, that would be more life-changing – in a good way.”

“My brother Jamie’s one. Ross Hutchins is also going to be a best man and hopefully a good friend in Barcelona.

“But I’m not sure yet if he’s going to be able to come. He’s in Singapore just now and I’m going to try and get him over.

“Kim has four bridesmaids and no maid of honour and I was saying, ‘imagine you had to pick one of your four best friends you’ve had since you were at school’.

“It is very, very difficult to choose one. She was like ‘go on, pick one’, but I said no.

“I didn’t spend a lot of time with my brother when we were 15 to 20 really, because he was training in France and I was training in Spain.

“And Carlos, he was my best friend during that time, which were very important years in my life when I moved away from my family and friends. [Carlos Mier, was Murray’s room-mate at the Sanchez-Casal Academy]

“He was the guy who was always there for me. I feel like he knows me extremely well from then.

“My brother obviously knows me from a child and Ross over the last six or seven years, we’ve become extremely close and been through a lot together as well.

“Picking one was a very difficult thing to do because I had three guys that were clearly my three best friends and I would like all them to be involved in some way.”


Andy Murray looking forward to his wedding

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