Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Liverpool to battle with Manchester United to land Memphis Depay

English Premier League transfer News

Although both these clubs have been undergoing a dog and cat fight this season to secure qualification into next season’s Champions League, it seems that the rivalry has also gone off the ground. With Liverpool plunging into the race of Memphis Depay, it would be a tug of war between both English giants to secure the services of the Dutchman.

At 21 years of age and currently playing for the Dutch side PSV Eindhoven, Depay has always attracted interest since bumping into the limelight. While his career has many ups and downs, World Cup 2014 was a high point in his career and made the world of football to enamor this Dutch talent.

While he has played previously under the tutelage of Louis Van Gaal when the current Manchester United coached the Dutch National side, Manchester United have always been reported as the firm favorites to get his signature in the coming summer.

However, just like a bolt from the blue, the Reds have jumped in the race and are now looking to outweigh any bid which Manchester United will launch for the Dutchman.

While Manchester United has a host of world class players at the helm operating in the wing positions, the pursuit of Depay might mean the end of road for either Di Maria or Juan Mata due to the over-competition for one place.

As far as Liverpool are concerned and although they have the best young talent in England, the contractual situation of midfielder Raheem Sterling might force Brendan Rodgers to explore his options. With the midfielder budging on to signing a new contract, many top European clubs are alert should anything goes wrong between the club and the player.

However, cutting out the desultory remarks, Depay would like to be a first time player no matter where he chooses to be next season. With 17 goals under his belt already in just 24 league appearances, the attacking midfielder would want first team action.


Liverpool to battle with Manchester United to land Memphis Depay

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