Wednesday, April 15, 2015

THW Kiel need to fix their defense problems if they want to reach F4 of Velux Champions League

EHF Velux Champions League:

Before the start of this season THW Kiel and FC Barcelona were one of main pretenders for EHF Velux Champions League title. During entire season both clubs play in their style and mostly crushing their opponents, but in quarter-finals Kiel get Hungary team MOL-Pick Szeged and lost first game 29-31. Two goals difference is not such a big lead but there is many problems behind this two goals lead for THW Kiel.

Sonne-Hansen saved them against Rhein-Neckar Lowen

One of THW Kiel biggest problems that suddenly appear is their goalkeeper. In March their first goalkeeper Andreas Palicka suffer an injury that would keep him out of the field for 2 months, soon after that their second goalkeeper Johan Sjostrand suffered a virus infection. Kiel response quickly and sign Norwegian veteran Steinar Ege, but even he couldn’t help Kiel at that point. At the end everything fall on shoulder of un-experienced 22 years old Denmark goalkeeper Kim Sonne-Hansen, he quickly become from number three goalkeeper to number one. Sonne become famous in last round of Bundesliga, in the derby game between first Kiel and second Rhein-Neckar Lowen, Sonne-Hansen shine in that game and help him team to get a draw. Sonne was in rank with Rhein-Neckar goalkeeper Niklas Landin who already sign with Kiel contract for the next season.

Palicka might be back on Sunday 

What will be the future of Sonne-Hansen in Kiel no one knows? In four days Kiel will play rematch of EHF Velux Champions League against Szeged and we already got confirmation that their first goalkeeper Andreas Palicka might be coming back. Palicka said that he plan to make a comeback even doctors said that he needs to rest for at least two more weeks. Palicka and Ege both agree that if they want to beat Szeged they need to fix their problems in defense.


THW Kiel need to fix their defense problems if they want to reach F4 of Velux Champions League

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