Saturday, April 18, 2015

Velux EHF Champions League: Barcelona first participant in Final Four with record win over RK Zagreb

Velux EHF Champions League:

FC Barcelona is first participant of Velux EHF Champions League Final Four, in their return quarter-final game they demolish RK PPD Zagreb 43-21 (23-10) and with two wins from two games go ahead into Final Four.  After first game in Zagreb nobody expect that Barcelona would demolish RK Zagreb this hard, this is also the biggest defeat of RK Zagreb in Velux EHF Champions League.

Barcelona Record Win

With total 68:44 Barcelona was dominating enter the Final Four and once more announce that they are main contenders for Velux EHF Champions League trophy. RK Zagreb coach Veselin Vujovic was ex Barcelona star and lived many happy moments with Barcelona, but in this game Barcelona didn’t give his team any chance. Round earlier Barcelona demolishes Aalborg 31:11 and nobody expect them to show the same game again. But Barcelona played perfect game, from the start there was only one speed of the game – Barcelona speed. Barcelona took the lead early in the start with 5-1 and as the game progress so was goal difference for Barcelona and soon it was 12-3 for Barcelona. Veselin Vujovic tried everything to “wake up” Zagreb players, so in first half we saw from Zagreb 6-0, 3-2-1 and 5-1 defense formation but neither one of them was successful. At the end of first half Barcelona was leading with huge 13 goals difference 23-10. Second half was mostly formality since there was no chance that Zagreb could come back and maybe surprise Barcelona. Barcelona coach Xavi Pascual give chance to entire roster in this game. But formality or not Barcelona players continue to extend their lead and at the end they manage to have +22 or 43-21.

Lazarov with 100% 

For home side Lazarov was best scorer with 9 goals, Karabatic scored 7 and Tomas Gonzalez scored 6. For visitors Obranovic scored 4 and Horvat, Kovacevic and Rakovic scored 3. Barcelona is now awaiting the rest of final four participants that we will find tomorrow.

15:30 KS Vive Tauron Kielce vs. HC Vardar (22:20)

17:30 MKB-MVM Veszprem vs. Paris Saint-Germain (24:24)

19:30 THW Kiel vs. MOL-Pick Szeged (29:31)


Velux EHF Champions League: Barcelona first participant in Final Four with record win over RK Zagreb

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