Friday, April 17, 2015

Jürgen Klopp probably destinations Real Madrid, Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester City ...

Soccer News:

Soon ex-coach for Borussia Dortmund is on good way to become main hit and target in the summer transfer window. After Klopp announce that at the end of this season he will be leaving club, hunt has begun on who will sign Klopp. Before we start talking about who is all interested to sign Klopp first we need to know who is Jürgen Klopp.

Borussia plays more like heavy metal than symphony

In modern soccer Klopp is innovator, philosopher and probably coach with the biggest personality in soccer world. In only eight years Klopp build Borussia Dortmund from mediocre Bundesliga club into one of finest clubs in Europe. When news reporters would write that Borussia Dortmund play is like symphony he would disagree with them and said that they play more like heavy metal band then like symphony. Many times Klopp said that he will resign once he feels that he cannot give anymore 100% to Borussia. In the press conference which Klopp announce that he resign as Borussia coach in the next season he also said that he will not rest long enough. With this statement he gives a lot of speculation on who will sign him in the next season.

Real, Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal, City … 

List of clubs that would like to see Klopp is long from Manchester City, Barcelona, Arsenal, Liverpool and Real Madrid to Manchester United and Paris Saint-Germain. But most of these clubs are waiting end of the season and to see what current coaches will do. It’s less likely that Real Madrid would sack Ancelotti if he wins Champions League and Primera title, similar fate is with Barcelona coach Luis Enrique.  In England there are a lot of rumors about Pellegrini getting fired in City and City officials already said that in next season they want younger team. Jürgen Klopp sound like perfect man for this job, especial if we see what he did with Borussia Dortmund. Off course we cannot forget two sleeping giants Manchester United is doing great (in compared with last season) but Luis van Gaal said several times that he would like to spend more times with his family and his grandsons. Laurent Blanc current coach for Paris Saint-Germain is in similar situation as Pellegrini; difference is that he got a chance to win Ligue 1. But for PSG officials Ligue 1 don’t have any value and in UEFA Champions League they get demolished in first game against Barcelona.  We already named several players that could be stars of this summer transfer window and probably the biggest start will be Jürgen Klopp.


Photo by ausmpott_

Jürgen Klopp probably destinations Real Madrid, Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal, Manchester City ...

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