Sunday, February 08, 2015

SEHA League: PPD Zagreb manage to beat Vardar

SEHA League:

SEHA League started his competition this week. In the midweek they played 4 games of R13 and on Saturday they played 4 games of R14.

Vardar – Meshkov Brest 28-25 (13-13)

In R13 we saw two interesting game in Jane Sandanski hall in Skopje 2nd place Vardar went against 3rd placed Meshkov Brest. In a though game neither team could manage to get any goal difference in first half. In second after two quick goals by Kamyshyk and Stojkovic Meshkov manage to have 2 goals lead in 33’ but until 41’ Vardar manage to equal the score and to get into 2 goals lead. In 51’ after two quick goals by Dibirov Vardar got 4 goals led, but in only three minutes Meshkov manage to equal the score. In last 5 minutes Vardar goalkeeper Arpad Sterbik manage to get 3 important saves and to give his team a win.

Radnicki – Nexe 29 – 30 (12-13).

In a game between two one of weakest teams in SEHA League Nexe manage to get a victory in last seconds of the game. During the whole game Nexe was a better team and manage a 2 or 3 goals lead. Home side manages to equal the score in last minute, after three quick goals in 29:29 Gugleta scored for 29:29.  But in last attack Celebi scored from 9m shot for the Nexe win.

PPD Zagreb – Vardar 25 – 22 (11-12)

after their game against Meshkov in midweek, Vardar played another though game against PPD Zagreb. First half was similar to Vardar game against Meshkov; neither team could make any big goal lead, biggest lead in first half was from PPD Zagreb in 24’ (9-7). Until the halftime Vardar manage to get back in to the game and with last-minute goal by Pribak give them 1 goal advantage on halftime. Vardar start strong in second half and with 2 quick goals by Lazarov and Dujshebaev they got 3 goals advantage in 33’. But Zagreb quickly come back and in 31’ score was 15-15. Zagreb secure the win in period from 48’ to 57’, in these nine minutes they scored 7 goals and received only 2 for huge 4 goals lead in last three minutes.  Vardar tried but it just wasn’t enough time for them to come back into this game.

After 14 incomplete rounds Veszprem is first with 42 points, Vardar is second with 33 points and then we got three clubs with 27 points Zagreb, Tatran and Meshkov. On the bottom Borac m:tel is last with 4 points.

Round 13Round 14
VojvodinaPPD Zagreb23-28NexeMVM Vezsprem21-37
Tatran PresovMetalurg31-22RadnickiMeshkov Brest26-33
VardarMeshkov Brest28-25PPD ZagrebVardar25-22
MVM VeszpremBoram m:tel09.02.2015Borac m:tel -Tatran Presov13.02.2015


SEHA League: PPD Zagreb manage to beat Vardar

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