Saturday, February 21, 2015

Dmitri Torgovanov new Russia NT coach, Croatian Handball Federation confirm talks with Zvonimir Serdarusic about taking Croatian NT

Handball National Team News:

After World Handball Championship in Qatar two national team coaches resign and now we know who will change one of them. Oleg Kuleshov resign this month and Russian Handball Federation chose Dmitri Torgovanov as his successor. It was close call since Torgovanov had the same number of votes as Lev Voronin (4-4). But at the end final decision made by president of coaching council. Torgovanov will take national coach immediately and try to help them qualify for European Championship.

Croatia national team coach Slavko Goluza also resign after poor results at World Handball Champions in Qatar. As the main concurrent for taking national team coach position newspapers speculate Zvonimir “Noka” Serdarusic, coach that made THW Kiel into powerhouse that it is now. As his assistant newspaper also speculate that Croatian player Petar Metlicic might take that role. Croatian Handball Association confirm that Petar Metlicic is assist coach for Croatian national team but they still have to find main coach. Serdarusic said several times that he would like to coach Croatia national team but lately main news in some Croatian newspaper was that Serdarusic would ask for 30.000 euros monthly paycheck. But now Croatian Handball Federation made a public statement in which they said that they contact Zvonimir Serdarusic about coaching Croatian national team. They said that those conversation were mostly over the info and they were more about information is he willing to take the national team. Croatian Handball Federation said that in those conversation Mr. Serdarusic never said any financial term that he would ask for coaching national team.

Serdarusic is now coaching small France team Aix. After he said that he would love to take Croatian national team coach position one of richest clubs in the world Paris Saint-Germain stated that they are building dream team and would love to see Serdarusic as their main coach.


Dmitri Torgovanov new Russia NT coach, Croatian Handball Federation confirm talks with Zvonimir Serdarusic about taking Croatian NT

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