Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Soccer Rumors: Latest news on Raheem Sterling Liverpool contract

Soccer News:

One of the brightest spots in Liverpool’s current season is the magnificent play of their young star – Raheem Sterling. If Liverpool are wise, they should know that it would be very smart to offer a contract to the youngster as fast as possible. The good thing is that it looks like Sterling and the Reds are close to reaching a deal between each other.

Even though Sterling has reportedly rejected two offers from the club, the team’s head coach, Brendan Rodgers has confirmed that the franchise is very close of finally reaching a deal with the player. This means that Sterling has felt happy at Liverpool and would like to continue his career there. He even made a statement in a recent interview that the deal will most likely be worked out quite soon – “We’re working on it and hopefully it will be sorted soon.” These signs of commitment are positive for Liverpool, as there has been a lot of interest surrounding the player lately, because of the talent he possesses. The 20-year-old England forward has been in magnificent form this season, shining bright for the Reds and scoring goal after goal. He has been the do-it-all guy for Liverpool and that’s why a lot of teams from Spain and Germany have shown so much interest in him. There isn’t any other played under 21 years that has created more chances for his club than Raheem Sterling this season – 50 – across the top five leagues in Europe.

If Liverpool really finds a way to sign Raheem Sterling to a long-term deal that would definitely mean that the club is going in the right direction. However, this is just the first step on the road to building a successful title contender – the Reds’ front office will need to work hard in the summer transfer window in order to surround Sterling with other quality players, or they may see him leave the club if they aren’t successful.

By ScoresPro.com

Soccer Rumors: Latest news on Raheem Sterling Liverpool contract

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