Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Transfer Rumors: Pogba will go to PSG only if they triple his current salary and Guardiola see Sterling as ideal replacement for Ribery

Soccer News:

Summer transfer window is getting closer and one of best buys in this summer will be two young players Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba and Liverpool winger Raheem Sterling. For both players there are already a lot of rumors, where will they continue their careers.

Pogba in Paris Saint-Germain only if his wage is more than Ibrahimovic

For young Juventus midfielder there are already a huge line behind them Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United and City, Bayern Munich and Paris Saint-Germain. And according to some sources PSG have the best chance of getting Paul Pogba into their ranks. The only problem for signing Pogba PSG might have in FFP (Financial Fair Play), but we doubt that Qatar owners would have anything to pay little more just to sign Pogba. Recently interesting facts has been revile about Pogba and PSG. According to them Pogba will be looking to have at least three times bigger wage than he have now in Juventus.  Currently Pogba wage is around 4 to 5 million euros, if those rumors are true that would mean he is looking for more than 12 million euros per year. Currently only one player has that kind of wage in PSG and that is Zlatan Ibrahimovic.

Guardiola looks at Sterling and see Ribery replacement

Raheem Sterling don’t have problems with wage, his currently problem is UEFA Champions League. Liverpool is without UEFA Champions League in next season and Sterling is eager to play in it. We cannot compare Pogba and Sterling situation. While Pogba have a contract with Juventus until 2019, Sterling contracts ends 2017 and Liverpool will be looking to sell him player who already denied new contract. In the first row to sign Sterling were Premiership clubs Arsenal, Manchester City and Chelsea. But recently rumors has spread that Bayern Munich have the biggest chances of signing Sterling. According to some German sources Bayern Munich coach Pep Guardiola already send his brother in England hoping to negotiate terms with the player. Guardiola thinks that Sterling will be ideal replacement for Franck Ribery who got trouble with injuries.


Transfer Rumors: Pogba will go to PSG only if they triple his current salary and Guardiola see Sterling as ideal replacement for Ribery

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