Monday, May 11, 2015

NBA Rumors: The Los Angeles Lakers showing signs of interest towards Jimmy Butler

Basketball, NBA Rumors:

The Chicago Bulls are currently in the middle of a very competitive second-round series against the Cleveland Cavaliers, but that won’t stop the Los Angeles Lakers of trying to think of a way to lure Jimmy Butler when the playoffs end. The player will become a restricted free-agent at the end of this season, and that will definitely attract a lot of teams during the summer. There have been a couple of reports that the Lakers will try as hard as possible to sign Butler, which includes offering him a maximum level contract.

The interesting part here is that the Chicago Bulls still haven’t mentioned anything about offering Butler a contract of any kind. However, they may just wait for the end of the playoffs, in order not to get the player’s mind off basketball. But even if they haven’t made any statement yet, they should start thinking about offering Butler a max-contract, because that will be the price that a lot of teams are going to be ready to pay for him.

Jimmy Butler could be a pretty good fit with the Los Angeles Lakers if he decides to sign with them during the upcoming summer. He will most likely be moved to the small forward position, as Kobe Bryant is still occupying the shooting guard role. Nevertheless, Kobe will definitely receive fewer minutes than previous years, which means that Butler will even get some playing time at the two-guard position.

The Los Angeles Lakers will most likely try to sign every superstar free-agent this summer in order to improve their team. However, the bad thing is that the Lakers will most likely need more than just one big free agent to join them.


NBA Rumors: The Los Angeles Lakers showing signs of interest towards Jimmy Butler

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