Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Soccer Rumors: Arsenal starts negotiations with Chelsea for Petr Cech

Soccer News and Rumors:

Petr Cech played too little for Chelsea throughout this season, and it was evident that he will leave the club at the end of the campaign. The latest rumors are that Arsenal has started negotiations with the Blues for the transfer of the veteran goalkeeper. According to the reports, Chelsea is ready to part ways with Cech for an amount around £10 million. Recently Jose Mourinho made a statement that if the 33-year-old goalkeeper doesn’t remain with the Blues he would like to see him play for a non-Premier League team. Nevertheless, it seems that it’s quite possible that won’t happen.

“I would never let him go,” said Mourinho. “But it’s not in my hands. My perfect scenario is that he stays with us, I think he belongs to this club, this club belongs to his history and to his life, too.”

Paris Saint-Germain has also been monitoring Petr Cech throughout the season, but the fact that the goalkeeper doesn’t wish to leave England could be a serious problem for the French team. If Arsenal reaches a deal with Chelsea, the Gunners will receive a veteran player with a lot of good years ahead of him. Furthermore, Arsene Wenger will finally get a goalkeeper that is confident in his abilities between the posts. The current players occupying the post, David Ospina nad Wojciech Szczesny, have showed decent skills during this campaign, but they have just been too inconsistent.

For Arsenal to close the gap between them and Chelsea, they will definitely need Petr Cech to join them in the summer. The 33-year-old could quickly become the leader that the Gunners have lacked in the last couple of seasons.

Soccer Rumors: Arsenal starts negotiations with Chelsea for Petr Cech

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