Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Spain Football Federation is halting all domestic soccer games from 16th May due to no agreement with goverment about the new TV rights

Soccer News:

Spain Football Federation – RFEF decided today to suspend all domestic soccer competition from May 16. After another round of negotiations with the government about TV rights and after they didn’t come to any agreement, RFEF decide that this is the only way to go from here?

LFP backed the new law while RFEF and AFE are against it 

Last week new law about sharing TV rights is made and even National Professional Football League (LFP) agrees to work with the new law. Current situation from TV rights is that Real Madrid and Barcelona are getting huge piece of “cake”, while the rest of league is getting only minor parts. With the new law Real Madrid and Barcelona would still be number 1 clubs in terms of sharing TV rights but the difference would be much smaller. But no matter about that agreement Spain Football Federation and player union (AFE) decide to be against that law. These two organizations agree to halt all soccer domestic competition from 16 May. In terms of games that would mean that last two match days of Primera division will not play.

Over 600 000 players and 30 000 matches will affect by this “white strike”

Spain Football Federation publishes a statement on website where they accuse government about the lack of respect. According to RFEF the new law will make RFEF to drop in power, it would also mean that one part of TV rights money will go to activities that don’t have anything with sport. According to RFEF total of 17 regional federations will go in this “white strike” that is more of 600 000 players and 30 000 matches. At the end of the statement RFEF is once more calling Spain government for another round of talk to avoid this “white strike”.


Spain Football Federation is halting all domestic soccer games from 16th May due to no agreement with goverment about the new TV rights

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