Friday, May 08, 2015

France, LHN Division: Montpellier vs. Paris Saint-Germain 28 - 32 (12 - 17), huge two points for Paris Saint-Germain against LNH leader Montpellier

France, LNH Division 1 :

Paris Saint-Germain won the big match last night in derby of France LNH Division. In Montpellier they beat the home team (Montpellier) 32-28 and cut the point difference to only 1 point four rounds before the end.

Barachet and Hansen goals give PSG a win 

Montpellier better open the game and soon they have 3-1 lead. Paris Saint-Germain quickly turns the game and with five quick goals they manage to take 8-5 led. At that point Montpellier had many problems in their attack; they made much unforced errors. But their goalkeeper Arnaud Siffert didn’t allow Paris Saint-Germain to go on any bigger goal advantage. But at the end of first half even Siffert couldn’t help his team anymore and Paris Saint-Germain had huge five goals lead on the halftime – 17-12. In second half we saw a different Montpellier, especial in first part of second half. Diego Simonet with Slovenia player Vid Kavticnik start to slowly melting Paris Saint-Germain lead and in 41’ Montpellier was again in lead 21-20. At that point game was play goal by goal in a fast pace and you couldn’t give advantage to any team. But at the end Paris Saint-Germain more experienced team made the difference. Xavier Barachet and Mikkel Hansen took the decision in their hands and take the Paris Saint-Germain to 4 goals lead 30-26. Until the end Montpellier was trying to equal the score but Paris Saint-Germain defense was strong.

Arnaud Siffert with 40% saves could beat PSG alone

For Paris Saint-Germain Mikkel Hansen was the best scorer with 10 goals while Thierry Omeyer was on “only” 12 saves (30%). For home team there wasn’t any scorer that could help Arnaud Siffert who manages to get 20 saves (40.82%) to win this game. Their best scorer was Michael Guigou with 7 goals.


France, LHN Division: Montpellier vs. Paris Saint-Germain 28 - 32 (12 - 17), huge two points for Paris Saint-Germain against LNH leader Montpellier

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