Friday, May 22, 2015

Transfer Rumors: Cristiano Ronaldo to Paris Saint-Germain for 125 million euros

Soccer News:

Lately Spain media, especial ones that are privileges to Real Madrid are writing a lot on subject who will be a new coach for Real Madrid. Almost all of them have inside information that say Carlo Ancelotti will be Real Madrid ex-coach at the end of this season. But that is not the only inside information that media have, lately they have written about possibility that two most expensive players leave Real Madrid.

Ronaldo to Paris Saint-Germain for 125 million euros

Current situation in Europe is like this, there are couples of clubs that don’t have money issues and that can spend big. One of them is Manchester United who would love to see Gareth Bale in their ranks for the next season. Paris Saint-Germain owners also think big, they want to make PSG one of best team in Europe and they are not afraid to spend. According to Spain media sources PSG might be able to sign Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid. It’s not a secret that lately Ronaldo is not happy in Real Madrid, he is fighting with fans and teammates. But even if he is unhappy Ronaldo would like to stay in Real Madrid but under his conditions, he said a couple of times that he needs to speak with Real Madrid president before he made his decision. On the other hand Paris Saint-Germain is willing to send check on 125 million euros for Cristiano Ronaldo, with introduction of UEFA FFA (Financial Fair Play) that check could solve many problems about new players for Real Madrid. It’s less likely that Real Madrid would sell both of his stars Gareth Bale and Cristiano Ronaldo but in soccer everything is possible especial if you got the right amount of money.



Photo by Jan S0L0

Transfer Rumors: Cristiano Ronaldo to Paris Saint-Germain for 125 million euros

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