Thursday, February 26, 2009

Flintoff Would Be The Player To Watch In Ashes

In an interview, Shane Warne said that England chances of wining the Ashes 2009 is revolving around Andrew Flintoff. If he attained his fitness then England would be at high boom and if he remained injured then England has to struggle a little bit more.

He added more that Flintoff is really a classic all-rounder to watch. He not only do batting very well but along with that he can bowl very well. He can swing the new ball and could be very helpful in starting over with the new ball. With the old ball, he can easily disturb any batsmen and can give a break through to his team. So If England wanted to win the Ashes 2009 then they should have to heavily rely on Flintoff.

The recovery of Flintoff from the hip injury is under way and most probably he would recover before the Ashes series. Doctors also said that he would be available for the team before the big clash of England Australia. He along with other bowlers can easily destroy any batting line up and can provide break through to his team.

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