Thursday, February 26, 2009

Absence Of David Nalbandian In Argentina's Davis Cup

David Nalbandian is a well known tennis player but he is not able to play at his level in Argentina's Davis Cup tennis match against Holland because he is suffering from a virus.

Argentina's David cup is going to held on 6th March 2009 and playing the Davis Cup is useless because he have to play four or five in a match. There is only one week left to go and he might not get well enough to play. In recent days, he has been struggling against flu and badly defeated against Daniel Koellerer at the Alberta Mexicana TELCEL tournament in Acapulco.

Since, Nalbandian admitted his illness concerns by saying that he is feeling bad for his illness and he is not confident of being fit. Still, people are hoping for his entry. However, it is true that he has been named in Argentina's Davis Cup in company with Lucas Arnold, Juan Ignacio and Juan Monaco.

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