Thursday, February 26, 2009

Charles Barkley Unfazed With Jail Sentence

After pleading guilty to drunk driving charges, Charles Barkley told the Associated Press, "I always knew I'd have to do time, it's not something I'm worried about." This statement was his reaction to the five-day jail sentence, to commence March 21, 2009, for two misdemeanor charges.

Last December 31 the former NBA star was arrested by police after leaving a Scottsdale nightclub. He failed a sobriety test and had a blood-alcohol level of .149 percent which is nearly twice the legal limit of .08 percent in Arizona.

On top of the jail sentence, Barkley is required to pay a fine of more than $2,000, attend an alcohol treatment program and install an ignition interlock device on his vehicles.

He appeared remorseful for his DUI, "I made a mistake and just have to take the beatdown," Barkley said. "It is what it is. It's 100 percent my fault."

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