Thursday, March 19, 2009

American Football

The word Football is attributed to the all team players who are involved in the kicking of ball with the force of their foot to make an effort of scoring a goal. Football is considered as the most famous sport of the world. English name "football" is also applicable to gridiron football associated with the North America football known as American football. This game involves players 11 to 18 which are selected on their skill and talent. This game is played in open field where both teams fight over a ball and try to hit the goal area with the ball. If a team is successful to score more goals over their opponent team, they are awarded the winning title. It seems quite interesting that almost twenty players are mad in getting the command on ball into their side. Players are only allowed to move their bodies and they can only touch ball with their foot.

Mostly, there are some rules defined restricting the movements of the players in the team like offside where players in their attempt of scoring a goal put the ball over or under the cross bar. Other features include to the football are points scored by players and fouls, in the result of it, players get an edge of free kick. In ancient time, people used to play this type of game which involved carrying or kicking the ball. Therefore, most of modern coded of football game is derived from the origin of these games. Today, this game is played in various forms in the Great Britain as the public schools of this game are credit due to their marvellous achievement in the creation of some modern codes for the game of football.

Today game of football is adopted by number of people as a way of competition to keep people fit and healthy. Each school or club is drafted its own codes and rules that are changed over time. In some football schools, this game is played like the style of rugby while some other common way of hitting the ball is by tier foot. American football is a competitive sport team that is known for competitive team sport with physical activity. The objective of the game is to make a goal score to get dominance power over time.

The movement of the ball is controlled by throwing it to the team mate until it reaches to the end zone. In this way, players can get the points 6 points if he is succeeded to carry ball in end zone. There are several ways of getting points like kicking the ball uprights of opponent's goalpost after winning touchdown and in this way he can get 1 extra point. Another way is to score a safety which means player which tackles opponent's player in their end zone he will be rewarded free kick and can score 2 points. The winner team is able to get more points in following these strategies.

The offense line is consisting of almost five players whose task is to protect the passer and try to clear the way of runners by blocking the members of the defence. The player standing in the centre is the line man. Outside of the centre of the ground, there are guards and some tacklers. Except from the centre of the field, there are some players who try to snaps the ball to backlines.

Players at centre back get the pass from centre positions players on most plays. Then this pass is handed to the running back player or throws it to back to the receiver who is running behind it. The quarterback is considered the leader of the side of the offense and is responsible to call the players signalled from the side lines.

Running back is the position behind the QB where players have specialized training of running behind the ball. If there are two running back players in the team, one is standing halfback and other is on full back who has the duty of blocking the passes of the opposition team.

These are some of the details that give you insight of football which is regarded as the most favourite game of the world. American Football is also becoming very popular outside of the United State in form of different leagues names existed in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Mexico, Spain, Austria, and many other pacific island nations. These foot players have many specialized role assigned to them to their training manager. At the NFL – National Football League and collage level, most players play for defence or offense side.

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